Cold laser therapy uses the application of light to stimulate cellular regeneration and help promote tissues to heal after trauma or infection. It also reduces inflammation which in turn relieves pain and discomfort. This is a holistic, non-invasive treatment option that is well tolerated by our furry friends and takes mere minutes per treatment. We are very excited to be able to offer this in addition to our more conventional modalities.
We are now performing laser therapy on all of our post-operative patients to aid and shorten the healing process. Studies have shown that a single treatment shortens recovery time by about 50%.
We are also recommending laser treatment for acute inflammatory conditions such as hot spots, feline idiopathic cystitis, ear infections (otitis), and abscesses. Typical treatment involves once daily laser therapy sessions for 3 consecutive days.
We are most excited to offer laser treatment for patients with chronic pain caused by osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia, cruciate ligament injuries, intervertebral disc disease, etc. We can help improve quality of life for these patients and hopefully reduce the dose and/or frequency of long term medications.